5 common problems in the importation business and how to solve them
Like any business, problems surface in the importation business. Some problems are easy to solve while some may be too complex sometimes. It all depends on which type of problem…
How to survive high shipping and unstable exchange rates as an importer
How can importers survive the unstable exchange rates and high shipping costs? Importers ask this question all the time and yet it seems like there is no answer because it…
10 most common problems about sourcing from China you may not have known
Truth is, not everyone is cut out for the challenges involved in sourcing from China. In this article today, we are going to share the 10 most common problems about…
5 Qualities The Best People In The Sourcing Industry Have
Procurement is more than just buying cheaper or faster. We will share 5 qualities the best people in the sourcing industry have that businesses should look for.
8 Best Mobile Apps For China Importation Business
Thanks to the internet that has streamlined importation business for a lot of importers. Gone are the days when importers needed to travel 6,164 miles to China to procure goods.…
What NOT to Do in the Importation Industry
Many importers are used to articles that tell them about things to do when importing from China. Not many articles address the topic “what not to do in the importation…
How to avoid damaged goods during shipping
The major challenge for every importer is how to avoid damaged goods during shipping. Many importers experience that moment of joy and thrill when they hear that their “container has…
5 Common Mistakes Importers Make With Private Label Manufacturing
As entrepreneurs, you sometimes have an amazing product idea and you start looking for ways to bring that product to life. If your intention is to launch this product under…
Winter Olympics Games 2022: What Importers Should Expect
In two days time, February 4th, the Beijing 2022 winter Olympics will kick off in China. While the world thinks China should cancel the games based on the arguments whether…
How Omicron may affect Nigerian Importers
Just when the importation industry is about to fully recover from the Delta and SARS-coV-2 variants, another tragedy struck on the importation industry as another variant was discovered a couple…