Binox Blog

Category : Suppliers Verification

  • April 8, 2022

5 common problems in the importation business and how to solve them

Like any business, problems surface in the importation business. Some problems are easy to solve while some may be too complex sometimes. It all depends on which type of problem an importer has. In this week’s article, we will discuss how to solve importation issues in your business.

First, it is important we highlight the common problems importers often face with their business. Problems are usually within these three categories. These are:

  • April 1, 2022

How to survive high shipping and unstable exchange rates as an importer

How can importers survive the unstable exchange rates and high shipping costs?

Importers ask this question all the time and yet it seems like there is no answer because it is not something importers can control. The average importer experiences unstable exchange rates and high cost of shipping fees often and not only does this affect costs of goods, it also puts the growth of the business at risk because customers will not trust a business whose price is always unstable.