5 Reasons Why You May Not Find Some Chinese Suppliers Online

5 Reasons Why You May Not Find Some Chinese Suppliers Online


No doubt that the biggest challenge for many importers is finding reliable and verified suppliers in China for their businesses. While the internet is full of a lot of helpful articles on how to verify Chinese suppliers, not many of these articles address the fundamental reason why verifying suppliers in China is very difficult.

The goal of this article is not to give you another way to verify suppliers but to show you the reasons this fundamental importation problem persists in the industry.

Many importers have reported that their biggest fear is being scammed and therefore they are always careful when they transact with Chinese suppliers. However, being careful is no longer enough as these scammers are getting smarter everyday and looking for new unsuspicious ways to defraud importers of their hard earned money.

If you’ve been trying to verify a Chineses suppliers, here are 5 reasons why that has been difficult for you and other importers out there.

Before I go into details, it is very important to note that verifying suppliers is a very important process of the importation business that should be taken seriously. Skipping this process may put your business at risk. This process if done diligently can save you from a lot of headaches especially if your intended supplier is a fraud, it can equally pay off in the long run if your intended supplier is genuine.

Now that we have highlighted the importance of supplier verification, let’s delve into the reason why finding verified suppliers can be difficult.

1. Some factories are not tech-savvy

This is very true sometimes and the only thing hindering a supplier from active online presence is because the factory is not tech savvy. When this happens, it is either they have no online presence or they have a shambled page that may be easily suspicious or taken as fraud because of the lack of details or poor english descriptions of the company.

2. Some factories don’t have an english-speaking staff who handles company communications

This is somehow related to the first reason. Most Chinese suppliers are native speaking Chinese and only a few understand or can communicate in english. When this happens, they find it difficult to portray their company online or engage importers who may need their product. The lack of engagement often leads to distrust which may pass as fraud in the minds of importers.

3. Some factories are either not licensed or they have copyright issues

Some factories do not have the right license to operate, in this case, they may not put up their operating licenses and details online to avoid being sued by the government. In some cases, they may also have copyright issues with another factory on a product design, patent, specification etc… This may prevent them from putting up detailed company information for verification online in order to prevent a lawsuit from the patented companies

4. Some suppliers are closing down

Due to one or two reasons, some suppliers are merging with other bigger suppliers or are closing down outrightly. So, it may be difficult to verify them offline because their factories will be closed even though some may have active online presence. 

5. The factory size

Some factories are small-sized factories and they may not have the capacity to employ a staff that handles company profile, or communications online. This may prevent them from being found online for proper verification.

In conclusion, not all companies that can’t be found online are fraud and in the same vein, not all suppliers with online footprints are genuine either. The best way to curb the stress that comes  with verifying suppliers in a way that saves you time, money and energy is getting the Ultimate Verified Suppliers list. This list has all the verified suppliers information for major business niches.

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